About Brian Smith


My name is Brian Smith; I am 43 years old, a happily married man, and father to four wonderful children, ranging from a newborn all the way to age twenty-two.  I am an active-duty Deputy for the Los Angeles County Sheriff Department and work in the Custody Division as a Training Officer.  In the public sector, I can impart life experiences and wisdom into the next generation of young law enforcement officers.  It is also my privilege to speak hope into the lives of those incarcerated within the LA County jail system.  In addition, I have spent 21 years in the private sector in retail and sales.

Together we have seen the downward spiral and negative trajectory of our country.  Closer to home, local politics and politicians echo the same liberal ideology that has brought fear and hopelessness to our citizens and communities.  Public safety, homelessness, freedom, and curriculum that is unfit for our children are all issues that affect me personally as a father and husband.  Never did I think that I would find myself in a position where I would consider running for local office as Los Angeles County Board of Supervisor in District 1.  In keeping with my commitment to transparency, God called me to launch this battle against a two term, well known incumbent with a hefty monetary war chest.  Like David and Goliath, don’t you think?  Goliath may have a mighty army, heavy armor, and money, but I have four smooth stones: A Calling, Faith, Integrity, and a genuine Love and desire to serve the people.  These are the tools I possess to topple the giant!  I hope you join me on this assignment to bring the voice of the people and their concerns back into the forefront.  I will work for you with transparency, integrity, truth, and I will earn your trust.

I’m here to become a VOICE for the people

In 2021, as a member of the LA County workforce, threatened and coerced into surrendering our freedoms and body autonomy to the local government over the County COVID Policy, my fight began.  Like thousands of other employees, I was in jeopardy of losing my career over the use of an experimental medical treatment and felt the attack on my privacy from the County with the unethical and illegal release of our personal information to third party, Fulgent Genetics.  I could not remain silent in the face of such intrusive, unjust, and lawless behavior.  My freedom was and is at risk. This provoked me to stand for those who either could not or would not speak for themselves.  Moreover, it was the right thing to do.  Thus, I took the lead with convictions inspired by our constitutional rights, and I became a voice for fellow colleagues and friends.  My desire is to extend this invitation to you to allow me to become a voice for you and our communities in District One. 





Paid for by Brian Smith for Los Angeles County Supervisor 2022 | #1445249

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